An offering to re-member cyclical awareness as an initiatory
sacred practice that can guide you in a journey towards your Self.



Sacred Menstruation

For self identified women whether or not they are menstruating or ovulating and/or have physical wombs.

A full weekend to start re-membering the wisdom that lies in your own menstrual cycle and and to start embracing it as a source of healing & transformation.

Next Workshop: March 2024. Register …


Cyclic Wisdom Journey

For self identified women in any stage of life, whether or not you are menstruating, and/or have a physical womb.

A 7 week journey to deepen the connection with your cyclical nature and an invitation to understand, embrace & honour it as a sacred practice that can guide you in a journey towards your Self.

The journey weaves theory with a strong focus on somatic work. It entails a deep process that requires full commitment.

Besides the sessions there are assignments to do in between sessions, partner work and a creative process to undertake along the journey.

Next Journey: not until 2025 - to be announced.

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(PERI) Menopause


Coming up.

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